Download the Application Definition

Export an Excel file (XLS) to see a list of the analytic and document objects in the application.

The Application Definition allows you to see the heart and soul of the application. The export contains a list of all the analytic and document objects in Visier People such as subjects, events, overlays, metrics, and analyses. It is a great way to show and teach users what is in the application. For auditing purposes, you can periodically export a Application Definition to track content changes.

To download the Application Definition:

  1. In a project, on the navigation bar, click Model > Settings> Application Definition.
  2. Select the following content and information:
    • Content Type: The content version for the export.
    • Data Loaded: The properties to include in the export.
    • Applications: The applications to include in the export.
    • Application Definition Content: The data and document objects to include in the export.
    • End User Content: The user-created content to include in the export. This includes details about content created by your end users, including which metrics, dimensions, concepts, and properties the content depends on.
  3. Optional: In a draft project, you can choose to enable Indicate draft project changes. This will include a column in the export to indicate modification or creation changes made in the project for each object.
  4. Click Download Application Definition.

    Result: The export may take a few minutes to process. After it is processed, the file will download automatically.